Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Telegram from Greta!

Dear all,
The Gutter Glamour Girls have been very busy on their street in Margate this past two months with a project called "Margate's Memories", where by we have been sipping tea with the wise and exchanging faux pas with the daft. Everyone involved (aged between 75 and 100!) have been absolutely amazing and have shared some truly magical stories with us, we believe what we have now is a very raw (and funny) portrail of life in Margate circa 1955, where supplies were short but morale and standards were high!
Please do find attached a poster and a press pack for Fridays event and please forward on to your contacts, I bid you all a farewell and a very hot and merry May!
Hope to see some of you there on Friday.

Kind regards
Kerri Layton, Artistic Director.

Well now, here's a to do! Over at FAF HQ we have been inundated with calls from lots of lovely people wanting to see our latest production "This, That n' T'other" showing at the Tom Thumb Theatre, Margate, this Friday.With only 20 tickets left, the girls and I shall be quite rushed off our feet- lucky we'v been saving up our tea and sugar rations to provide all you lucky souls with a hearty brew and healthy dose of street gossip! However, I'm a bit worried that some of our FAF-friends might miss out, so if you do wish to join us for tea then get the telephone operator to put you through to: 07411301960 and we'll keep a seat warm for you. Along with our company we shall be joined by local storyteller Frankie Jordan and we'll round up with a smashing singsong from Betty Lloyd and her Frontline Follies! Oh what a corker it promises to be! So I do hope to see you all there, ears scrubbed and collars starched for this one night only evening of entertainment. And one last thing- Dont forget your teacups and saucers!

Greta Garbage
AKA Natalie Bowers, GGG tour manager/performer

Saturday, 7 May 2011

You are cordially invited to Betty's Parlour...

Well, it's all very exciting today up at FAF HQ where preparations for tommorow's latest spectacular are well underway! Yes, for those of you who don't know, I am pleased to announce that the Gutter Glamour Girls shall be holding court from their very own sitting room as such in Margate's Old Town Bazaar! So do pop along between 10-3 and see us having a pot of tea, a spot of cleaning advice and everything the neighbours didn't tell you!

If that weren't enough reason to visit, we'll also be selling tickets for FAF's upcoming one night performance, "This, That n T'other" showing at the Tom Thumb Theatre in Margate next Friday 13th May! Promising to an event you'll never forget, let us take you back to the 1950's when hoovers were cool and Mr.Muscle not yet a mere twinkle in his daddy's eye!

Ta Ta for now loves!


Greta Garbage

Monday, 2 May 2011

Aims of the show!

‘This, that n ’t’other’.



· TTo enrich the dialogue of the Gutter Glamour Girls walkabout act and to experiment developing a site specific script that could hold a unique selling point for community arts festivals.

· To create a ‘pool’ of performers that is rehearsed for the summer season in order to perform at the festivals already booked.

· To develop new ways of rehearsing a piece of street theatre.

· To present the work in an immersive, intimate environment where the outcome of the research can be

· Raise the profile of the company.


· Choose a site i.e. Margate and research community factors that would have affected our characters life’s at this time.

· By interviewing the elderly we aim to‘re-live’ their lives through the creation of a unique script built up directly from the findings of our research.

· Find new performers for the summer that have a vested interest in the project and a shared passion for street performance.

· Via online methods and alternative rehearsals, i.e. surveys and street marketing, (natural theatre rehearsal).

· Considering the venue (Tom Thumb Theatre) using the whole space and the street outside.

· Press relations are nurtured locally, regionally and nationally with a Radio 6 interview and local press features.