Greta Garbage
‘This, that n ’t’other’.
· TTo enrich the dialogue of the Gutter Glamour Girls walkabout act and to experiment developing a site specific script that could hold a unique selling point for community arts festivals.
· To create a ‘pool’ of performers that is rehearsed for the summer season in order to perform at the festivals already booked.
· To develop new ways of rehearsing a piece of street theatre.
· To present the work in an immersive, intimate environment where the outcome of the research can be
· Raise the profile of the company.
· Choose a site i.e. Margate and research community factors that would have affected our characters life’s at this time.
· By interviewing the elderly we aim to‘re-live’ their lives through the creation of a unique script built up directly from the findings of our research.
· Find new performers for the summer that have a vested interest in the project and a shared passion for street performance.
· Via online methods and alternative rehearsals, i.e. surveys and street marketing, (natural theatre rehearsal).
· Considering the venue (Tom Thumb Theatre) using the whole space and the street outside.
· Press relations are nurtured locally, regionally and nationally with a Radio 6 interview and local press features.