Thursday, 16 September 2010

3 oclock in the morning rants!! but thanks for showing me the way back to my blog!!

Envy of the world? The arts culture in Britain? Steady on there, not even I, a fully fledged Brit believes that, or can indeed quote that. Before we start making sweeping statements such as, we need to asses what is the Arts exactly, And Banksy can f*** off, he is no exception.

fafarts said...

Brunonoble, nice story, and a good moral,(artists abusing funding just to unleash there egotistical, fantastical bullshit on the world is selfish and shouldn't be funded) however, the "Arts" spans wider and i find your argument naive and also offensive to the hundreds of people working hard, solely dedicated to using the Arts as a regenerative tool often in communities badly effected by .depression, and often producing astounding results.

fafarts said...

...and that hard work, dedicated to rebuilding FAITH in communities (that has duly being broken down by government and banks) should be part funded by the state. I do also believe however that artists should be more entrepreneurial... on that note, does anyone want to buy a postcard so we can make a community arts project happen?