Monday, 2 April 2012
Creative Conference Friday 30th March
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
It's a BLAST! Kent Foundation. March 2012.

Monday, 6 February 2012
Feb 2012.
Dearest bloggers.
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
The Bee's Knee's

Im pretty excited to announce a NEW show that we are creating for this summer, it was originally commissioned by Secret Garden Party after I wrote in with a bizarre idea for their theme : Origins and Frontiers, but is now becoming an act we are developing for future festivals and events, and dare I say it maybe even a little corporate sponsorship. (but only from an eco worthy company or issue based charity!).
The Bee’s Knees.
Once upon a time, when land was man’s and skyscrapers ruled the kingdom , a rare little bee buzzed his way into the office of an evil business man. On the desk of the evil business man sat an evil jar of plastic flowers, (his wife had bought them from the local Poundland store the day before). The little bee was buzzing himself on one of the plastic stems when the evil business man stamped his hand on the desk in a fit of rage! “Dam stock market” he bellowed. Little bee got so scared and tried to sting the man, but the man reached inside his top drawer and released his .... EVIL CAN OF FLY SPRAY.......
Will YOU defy evil and help the bee sting the can of fly spray in the ass?
Look out for a suit, a giant can of fly spray and a bumble bee, add us (Faf Arts) as a friend on facebook and follow the adventure all the way to the garden.
Comedy. Surreal. Spectacle. Walkabout.
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Telegram from Greta!
Greta Garbage
Saturday, 7 May 2011
You are cordially invited to Betty's Parlour...
Monday, 2 May 2011
Aims of the show!
‘This, that n ’t’other’.
· TTo enrich the dialogue of the Gutter Glamour Girls walkabout act and to experiment developing a site specific script that could hold a unique selling point for community arts festivals.
· To create a ‘pool’ of performers that is rehearsed for the summer season in order to perform at the festivals already booked.
· To develop new ways of rehearsing a piece of street theatre.
· To present the work in an immersive, intimate environment where the outcome of the research can be
· Raise the profile of the company.
· Choose a site i.e. Margate and research community factors that would have affected our characters life’s at this time.
· By interviewing the elderly we aim to‘re-live’ their lives through the creation of a unique script built up directly from the findings of our research.
· Find new performers for the summer that have a vested interest in the project and a shared passion for street performance.
· Via online methods and alternative rehearsals, i.e. surveys and street marketing, (natural theatre rehearsal).
· Considering the venue (Tom Thumb Theatre) using the whole space and the street outside.
· Press relations are nurtured locally, regionally and nationally with a Radio 6 interview and local press features.